Friday, April 14, 2006

Lest we bare time we lost

It's a rainy day.

I don't have to work till 4, so I have few moments to catch up.
The Aftermath Elegy

So, last week, I cut off saying J and I were to fight---fight club, friendly competition style. But it never went down, exactly. I mean, that's cool. The remainder of that week was essentially dull: the very next night, I got a bottle of red wine, and a bottle of rum, intending to drink it with W and J, you know, to help convince us to follow through with the fight... or.... I dunno... whatever reasons people drink for.

However, that night, we made grilled cheese and tomatoe soup, which was good at first. I also introduced them to butter-and-scallion sandwichs. Also good at first. So, I continuously down glass after glass of wine--- alone, as it would turn out. I finish off half the bottle (which, I might add, is about twice the normal size of a stardard bottle), which I top off with about two shots of rum. I guess I didn't notice I was the only one. ANYWAY, at somepoint, B puts on Narnia (he's the nerdy Christian lego-liking musical-star that enjoys D&D and Star Wars and plays soccer--- a stereotype mut, so to speak), while J and I do some 'hippie stuff,' which is where I begin to feel rather... weird. The movie (which I've seen before and will state my opinion of in a moment,) ceased to make sense. Then my stomach ceased to make sense, if you can understand what sort of sensation that is. More, it seemed to not understand its contents, and began agressively demanding an evacuation--- so, I'm high and drunk and soooo dizzy, I rush to bathroom, wondering what there was to do in the bathroom when I wasn't throwing up.

Anyway, I spent the rest of the night there, spewing out my insides for all the world to see. Luckily, the world would have to look in the sink, since I at least made it that far. My hang-over the next day was horrible, and I suddenly remembered why I left that horrible town--- that sort of stuff is all I ever seemed to end up doing.

The rest of the week was much tamer, as far as my stomach was concerned. I never drank again, though I made a tiny bit more further use of the "hippie stuff" recreational herb. As I had nothing much to do, T paid me to write some dull 14-page paper, which was no sweat for me. Otherwise, nothing. I went home on the train after my four-day visit to a place I am never, never, never going back to again. That's way out of my system now.

Next time, they visit me.

From the Land of Spare Oom.

So, as for The Chronicals of Narnia, as a film, I found it rather good, very true to the books, which are my all-time favorite thing to read ever. C.S. Lewis is my favorite author. Now, I'm a rathe avid reader, and have gone through quite a plethora of literary content in my day, but somehow the Chronicals charm me every time. They're just so good.

The film, as I said, was well done, albeit, it certainly borrowed from its contempories---LOTR, and Harry Potter. The battles, then, gave the film a feel of cross-breed; it really was Harry Potter meets Lord of the Rings. I found it slighly... uninteresting... no, 'unfresh,' as a series of BBC films followed the books with virtually idential devotion to content. Thus, it felt redundant, if not shinier, bigger, more expensive.

Business, Usually.

So, I came home, went to work for six days in a row, finishing off that week and beginning this one, which is, I might add, my final week.

In fact, tonight is my final night in the kitchen. I may pick up a few front house shifts, but for the most part, I'm done working at that restuarant.

What now? Besides my ever aspiring writing career that just hasn't found some legs yet, I'm going to become a real-estate agent. Yup, that's right. Real estate. Now, in order to do it, I need to take two classes, a test, memorize a whole lot of info, and then I get a lisense. THEN... well, I dunno exactly, but as fate would have it, I think there's an answer:

The last two days I was hanging out at the William's. That is, three brothers who I've been very, very good friends with since fifth grade. Anyway, first day, we just kind of hang out, play with their incredible variety of video game/gadgets, watch Lost, (they lent me season one to catch up, as I've never really watched the show before), and over all have a relaxing time. It was a beautiful day(Which reminds me, I have something to note about that in a minute,)---earlier, I went to Kung Fu, and then bought a new phone (!!! --- the LG VX-9800, because it's just so awesome. I also got a bluetooth headset to go with it, but it's not working... I need to return the headset. But the phone is frickin' hardcore awesome.)

So, I go home the next day, for a Kung Fu lesson, and then my Mom offers a ride back to the William's, as both her work and their house is in the same direction. So, she takes me, but then decides, right where she would turn to take me to their place that she can't make it to work on time, (even though she called in, saying she'd be a few moments late due to the bad traffic that day, anyway), and says I've got to go with her, or something. At that point, the suggestion was absurd, so I ask her to just stop, and let me walk. So, I begin walking, and immedaitely, someone beeps, and pulls around, and stops by me. It's Tonya, a waitress I work with, on her way to tan. So, she gives me a ride most of the way from there, I thank her, and walk the rest of the way, till I get to the Williams eternal driveway, when Tom arrives, and is like, "Hi?" I don't really explain to indepth, I hate explainations; instead I climb on the roof, and ride the rest of the way there.

SO, before I go on, as this tangent is getting long, the Williams have a friend, Jerry, whose mother just happens to be the top-grossing real-estate-agent in the state. She's in the Real Estate Hall-Of-Fame. Seriously. So, I, through the Willaims, have gotten to be good friends with Jerry, and have met his mother several times... SO, this is an extremely valuable contact, as she is the best.

Anyway, back to the day. So, at Williams we decide to have an old school Halo LAN party, have a few other assortied who'sits over, and proceed to kill each other virtually. So, eventually, that gets old, and the decision is made to make a film. Well... more, PJ wanted to, and I happen to be really into that sort of thing. So, we eventually get some stuff set up, I get some AWESOME, very artsy shots of a billiard balls breaking, and then somehow we get sidetracked, (Alan made the suggestion) to go Sheetz, dressed up in a rediculious barrage of costumes, which we'd film. So, we do this. We all pile in a van, the filming turns out pretty awesome. I dress like a contractor or something, and have a carpenters belt, in which I hide the camera (apparently, you're not allowed to film in Sheetz or banks), do a bunch of nothing stuff that looked hilarious, then decide to go to another sheetz.

So, then we go home, pleasantly happy with the crazy idea and the strange stares (though we got less of a reaction than I would have hoped... I guess this happens all the time at Sheetz?).

So, we go, back the rest of them collapse and sleep, while PJ, Jerry, Zed and I finish the movie we tried to make ealier. We do so, until 4 in the morning. It turns out nicely, some nice effects avaiable when it's pitch black, and all you can see is what you shine light on... I got some very arsty stuff. I love directing. Editing, too. Filming, camera work. All that, I love it. I'm going to do it someday. I really am.


Anyway, that's that. Today's the next day, I go to work soon, now.

I have several other thigns to so, I think, but not now. Another post.... whnever that'll be.

OH, one more thing. For the TO-DO, I've managed to choose an insurance building. Also, the costumes gave me an idea... I'll go with Bond idea... more to come on that.

Later tonight, I intend read some other poeple's blogs.



Blogger jin said...

#1- What is a 'sheetz'?
#2- If I may ask, why no more restaurant?
#3- If you're reading blogs tonight you'd better post a comment on mine 'cuz my blog is AWESOME!
Heeheehee....*giggles* ;-)

*if I sound wierd it's due to lack of sleep...2 hours only...N E E D ...M O R E...C A F F I N E >>>>>.....

4:38 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Absolutly the 9800 rocks. It is also my internet modem, on it right now. It can be addictive, I have rigged it so everytime somebody leaves a comment on my blog, it gets forwardded as a text message to my blog. So I am at work and my phone beeps, and A smile comes to my face.

7:15 PM  

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