Friday, March 24, 2006

1 + a million zeros.

Yes, indeed, it is high time I wrote. 'Blogged,' I think is the term to use in this case. Whatever it's called, I've been MIA for considerable time, with a hefty to-do list.

I do have a good excuse, however... no access to the internet for a sustained period of time. That problem is fixed now, however (details of how this happened coming soon!)

Anyway, this post is just a preview of the mountainous entries that will soon follow, with updates on nearly everything that I haven't been writing about, plus.... maybe.... just maybe... the latest addition to Haemon's Belmar.

Of note, Heamon's Belmar is not good. Ha. That is, it's not edited, and is in no way really meant to represent my writing. My real writings I keep very private and secret until they are ready for publication. Haemon's Belmar, then, is a bit of an experiment, and also a bit of an indirect biography--- I'm basically telling my life in a rather disjointed, throwaway format of a multipart story, with no more than preliminary editing. The idea is to keep it vague enough to seem incomplete (Haemon's Belmar is like half of the story; the other half, then, won't be added until all of H.B. is posted.) Once the rough draft is done, I'll reedit it, and perhaps repost it.

Anyway, In addition to Haemon's Belmar, I intend to post The Epic of Storiness, as this type of website is it's intended medium... I understand that reading is entirely less popular a thing to do than, say, television, but I think I can safely assume that if you're surfing through these blogs that contain mostly writing, you're the sort of person who likes to read.

Anyway, as I said, this is only a preview, and more is to come soon.

For now, I've got to get to work. ADIOS.


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